Please Note: Kids Zone infant feeding is limited to only formula or breastmilk

We ask families to support us in this process by following these guidelines:

  • Keeping bottles in the diaper bag until the baby is ready to be fed.
  • Labeling bottle with their child’s first and last name.
  • Communicating with Kids Zone staff about when they expect their baby will likely eat next.
  • Providing Kids Zone staff with any helpful hints they have for feeding (special way baby likes to be held when eating, best way to get a good burp, etc.).
  • Bringing pre-measured formula in a dispenser or bottle.
  • Bringing pre-measured water from home (or we will use warm tap water).

Kids Zone staff will support this process by following these guidelines:

  • Labeling diaper bags (so we can easily determine which bag belongs to each baby).
  • Documenting baby’s name and expected feeding time on the wipe board in the infant room at the time of arrival.
  • Checking baby’s diaper prior to any feeding.
  • Washing hands prior to handling the bottle.
  • Checking to ensure bottle is labeled prior to feeding.
  • If needed, asking On-Site Supervisor to warm bottle (by immersing the bottle in hot water – no microwaves please. Microwaving can create uneven hot spots in milk that may burn the infant.) If using the microwave to warm water for immersing, do not exceed microwave time of 2 minutes.
  • Bottles should not be left in container of warm water for more than 5 minutes when warming. Bottles left for longer have the potential for bacteria growth.
  • If families would like to use other methods of warming the bottle, we will ask that they return to Kids Zone to prepare the bottle themselves.
  • Returning the lid to the bottle and the bottle to the diaper bag directly after feeding.
  • Documenting the actual time and number of ounces for each feeding on the wipe board.
  • Sharing feeding information with families at pick-up. Also, please follow up with gentle reminders if bottle and lid were not labeled or if formula was not pre-measured.

Updated 03/06/20204